What problems do leaders face in 2024?

Shona Cugat-Davies
2 min readApr 11, 2024


In 2024, there’s so much more on our side. The dawn of AI, increased diversity, international communication, incredible scaling opportunities, and access to more resources.

Yet a lot of us are still struggling… Why?

We have never experienced development as rapidly as we do today. Courses on tech trending topics become obsolete within the year, industry moves a lot faster than it used to, & the pursuit of knowledge has become a competitive sport.

In addition to navigating a maze of artifice and red tape, leaders must also come up with novel ways to support and track remote teams, up skill their team whilst keeping up-to date with new technologies (that are in a content cycle of trends), at the same time as retaining their best employees.


1. Clearing the noise
We are constantly bombarded with products, tech, opinions and options. Getting clear on your North Star (mission/goal/project) will separate you from distractions.

2. Collaborate
Collaborate with relevant members of your team, voice ideas aloud, and see how quickly dead-hanging objectives get pruned back. You’ll get to the core of your mission in no time!

3. Investing in continuous professional development
Is really the only way to know that your team is receiving the appropriate training at the right time.

Let a team of experts to the heavy thinking for you. L&D consultancies are trusted advisors to their clients. This means that apart of their job role is staying ahead of the learning and development curve, adjusting to your demands.



Shona Cugat-Davies

The best way to learn is to teach. Writer, reader, & artist at heart. Keep UTD on LinkedIN:www.linkedin.com/in/shona-grace-cugat-davies